Natural Fertility & Pregnancy Blog

17 Jan 2018

4 Steps to Increasing Fertility

BabyCreate’s 4 Steps to Fertility programme will help you and your partner make educated decisions to optimise your health and fertility as you prepare for a healthy pregnancy, labour and baby.
20 Sep 2017

Baby’s Immune System – 6 Steps you can take to give your baby the best chance in life!

Right from the beginning of life, the foetus in the womb is exposed to the mother’s unique microbiome through the amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord blood as well as the placenta.
30 Aug 2017

Miscarriage – Vitamin B3 Latest Research!

Vitamin B3 has recently made headlines in the fertility arena. This molecule is found in every living cell and is important for DNA repair, cell communication and energy production.
8 Aug 2017

Which Folic Acid to take for a Healthy Pregnancy?

Scientists have discovered that one should not take a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach when it comes to folic acid supplementation for fertility and a healthy pregnancy.
26 Jul 2017

How Much Should I Weigh During My Pregnancy?

The Institute of Medicine found that 40% of women are going into pregnancy at an unhealthy weight, and ¾ of these women are either gaining too much or too little weight.
3 Jul 2017

Eating for Two during Pregnancy – Fact or Fiction?

Am I really supposed to “eat for two”? Are my cravings a sign that my baby “needs” me to eat those foods? Should I be “snacking” on lots of carbs between meals to prevent morning sickness?
12 Jun 2017

Are you really running out of eggs?

Many women come to me in a panic, having been told they are running out of time, that their egg supply is diminishing and they need to “hurry up and get pregnant” before it’s too late!
12 Jun 2017

Tips to Conceive – Increase your chances of Conception with the Facts!

“You must have sex every day”, “You will only get pregnant if you orgasm”, "Missionary position is best"... It’s time to debunk a few “old wives’ tales”!