“Parenting begins the moment you make any conscious effort to care for your own health in preparation for enhancing your child’s conception.”
Prepare For Conception As If It Were An Important Sporting Event
Conception preparation or preconception is the most important step when planning for a healthy pregnancy and baby. This is the time when attention is given to the influence that genetic information has on the health of the future child.
Just as sports people need to prepare for an important sporting event, so too is it essential for prospective parents to optimise their wellbeing for the best possible chances of a healthy baby..
It is of the utmost importance that consideration be given to the wellbeing of the male partner prior to conception. Diet, lifestyle and environmental factors play an enormous role in the development of healthy, viable sperm.
Sperm is generated during the preconception period and is extremely vulnerable to physiological hazards and environmental toxins present during this time. It takes approximately 72-76 days (2-3 months) for sperm to develop, mature, be stored and ready for ejaculation. Hence, due regard should always be given to the influence this period of time has on the health of the embryo, foetus, baby and child.

Comprehensive Natural Fertility Consultation for Men
Joanne at BabyCreate, who has 20 years’ experience in this area of fertility, will structure a comprehensive consultation which will include investigations and analyses to fully assess your individual health and fertility status.
Joanne will tailor a unique treatment programme specifically for you that will incorporate evidence-based nutrients and traditionally used herbs and supplements.
She will work together with you and your partner to guide, advise and support you with the adjustments you may have to make to modify your diet and lifestyle to improve your health and wellbeing and influence the role you will play in the outcome of your healthy baby.